2014/03/21のwait time graph

2014/03/21のwait time graph (Takabisha - Steepest Roller Coaster)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (Nagashimasuka - Shoot the Chute)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (Tondemina - Super Pendulum)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (最恐戦慄迷宮)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (マッド・マウス)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (絶望要塞)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (Thomas and Percy's Fun Ride)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (パニックロック)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (Exciting Cruise)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (グレート・ザブーン)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (ゲゲゲの妖怪屋敷 妖怪小噺)
2014/03/21のwait time graph (ゆらゆら海のハムSHIP)