2021/01/29のwait time graph

2021/01/29のwait time graph (Fujiyama - King of Coasters)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Takabisha - Steepest Roller Coaster)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Do-Dodonpa- Fastest Roller Coaster)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Fuji Airways)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Nagashimasuka - Shoot the Chute)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Tentekomai - Sky Roller)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (無限廃坑)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Shining Flower Ferris Wheel)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Tea Cups)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (ロックンロールダンカン)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Everybody Twist)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (メリーゴーラウンド)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (Hopping Winston)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (しゅっぱつ!ハロルドのスカイパトロール)
2021/01/29のwait time graph (EVANGELION THE FLIGHT)